الأحد، 2 أكتوبر 2011

How to Get a Man to Marry You 2

All is fair in love and war. At first glance the tips that follow may seem manipulative however, these are smart, and fail proof ways to get a man who loves you to take the next step and propose marriage.
If you've been with your boyfriend for more than couple of years and are anxious to turn your one income household into a two income household, complete with a couple of kids and a dog but he is nowhere near proposing, read on.



Never talk about getting married, aside from saying you might some day want to when you find the right man. This conversation should happen spontaneously. It should not be initiated by you twice a week.

Don't drag him to weddings every weekend or take him window shopping for engagement rings as a way of hinting you'd like to get married.

Do not talk about how after you get married and have a child you'll quit your job and become a stay at home mom. He'll think you're looking for a meal ticket, for someone to finance the lifestyle to which you believe you should become accustomed.

Instead of hinting that you want to get married and then playing the waiting game, hint that you will eventually remove yourself from a relationship that seems stagnant, and away from a man who wants to string you along until a "more suitable" woman comes along. If you know that he's stringing you along, tell him you'd like to start seeing other people and then start doing just that. Minimize any drama, but do tell him that it's obvious he's waiting for someone else to come along, since he hasn't made a more serious commitment to you. Tell him that you don't want to deprive him or yourself of the chance to find that special person to grow old with. Be courageous and unafraid. Grow some b...s as they say and start seeing other people.

Regardless of how long the two of you have been together, how much time you've spent together etc. always maintain a little mystery. Have a life of your own, including but not limited to; a job, friends, hobbies, interests etc. You want to remain interesting and intriguing. Be able to discuss topics such as; politics, current events both domestic and foreign, finances, business etc. You don't have to be an expert on any of those topics, but you must be able to formulate an educated opinion or and interesting observation. You don't want him questioning your IQ or whether or not he'd have genetically inferior children with you.

Do not cry while watching or worse, force him to watch romantic comedies. Keep him away from movies such as Sex and the City and Bride Wars. Don't ever emasculate him. Always allow him to be a man, the man actually. He needs validation, support and encouragement, not ridicule, feminization or a woman who wants to compete with him.

Maintain a sexy appearance and stay connected with him sexually. Never allow yourself to forget that a man expresses his love for you physically. Of course that isn't the only way, but it is his preferred way. Keep him satisfied in the bedroom and never try to punish him by withholding sex. Do watch adult movies with him and be adventurous in bed.

Be financially smart and independent. A man is not likely to marry a woman who is thousands of dollars in debt, especially not in the current economy. Show him you're responsible with money and he'll think of you as an asset not an expense. Make sure he is an asset to you as well. Immediately dump a man who is dependant on you financially, barring some special circumstance such as an illness.

Learn how to cook, preferably better than his mother. I know, I know, seems so 1950's, but trust me on this. The way to his heart may not be through his stomach but it couldn't hurt. Men are not that complicated, they just want a home-cooked meal once in a while. It doesn't mean he wants to domesticate you, lock you up in the kitchen and throw away the key, it means he's hungry and would like you to take care of him once in a while.

Make sure you actually want to marry him. Some women are mostly interested in getting married (their biological clock is ticking or they are afraid of becoming spinsters), they don't care about the actual person they are supposed to be getting married to. Just as women can smell desperation so can men. If you are desperate to get married to someone, anyone, he'll know it and will never propose to you.

If you want to avoid seeing the man you spent years with, marrying someone else he just met, heed this advice.

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