الثلاثاء، 8 نوفمبر 2011

Be carful تنبيه لكل من يستخدم الانترنت عن طريق سيبر

Dear friends, If you visit a cyber cafe
 and find find any black pin attached to
your CPU as shown in the picture,
 kindly do not use that system. This pin
 is actually a connection which save all
 your data you enter in the system. Thus it is a risk to your privacy over net.
 Risk to passwords, banking or any data
 you entered.
 Itz a hardware keylogger very
 powerful it records each and every
 action ur system. Like and then share this to all your

لمتابعة باقى مواضيع مدونة جنه ايجى يوميا على الفيس بوك

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